Without the possibility of direct human intervention from within or on the aircraft. For hobby and recreational use when not certificated. During search and rescue operations other than public.
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Civil and public aircraft operations. Public and military operations. Civil operations.
Quadcopter capturing aerial imagery for crop monitoring. UAS used for motion picture filming. Model aircraft for hobby use.
Yes, all sUAS aircraft weighing over .55 lbs. are subject to Part 107 No, this sUAS operation is not subject to Part 107. Yes, this sUAS operation is subject to Part ...
Yes, this sUAS operation is subject to Part 107. Yes, Part 107 allows flight directly over people to capture video. No, this sUAS operation is not subject to Part 107.
No, this sUAS operation is not subject to Part 107. No, this sUAS operation requires a Section 333 exemption. Yes, this sUAS operation is subject to Part 107.
Remote Pilot Certificate, Registration Card, and a copy of the Completion Certificate for the Recurrent Training. Remote Pilot Certificate and your logbook. Remote Pilot Certificate and Registration Card.
remain constant. decrease. increase.
remain constant. decrease. increase.
remain the same. increase. decrease.