600 feet AGL. 500 feet AGL. 400 feet AGL.
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filed a IFR flight plan. received prior authorization from the controlling agency. received prior permission from the commanding officer of the nearest military base.
The remote pilot must contact the Air Traffic Control (ATC) facility after launching the unmanned aircraft. The remote pilot must monitor the Air Traffic Control (ATC) frequency from launch to recovery. The remote pilot must have prior authorization from the ...
With the controlling agency’s authorization. Regulations do not allow this. When flying on airways with an ATC clearance.
visual observer. remote pilot-in-command. owner of the small UAS.
is required to receive ATC authorization. must use a visual observer. is required to file a flight plan.
Person manipulating the controls. Visual observer. Remote Pilot in Command (Remote PIC).
No Medical Certificates are required. A Class 3 Medical Certificate A Class 2 Medical Certificate.
make sure the UAS is within 400 feet of the control station. maintain line of sight throughout the entire process. have a visual observer.
Denial of an application for a period of up to 1 year or suspension/revocation of a remote pilot certificate. Up to 1 year in jail. A fine up to $10,000.