They can maintain line of sight and without loss of control. They briefed each other before the flight. They are in radio contact the entire time.
UAV Campus - Questions
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Finish the mission by paying extra attention to the surrounding. Land as soon as practical and determine if the mission can be restarted without a Visual Observer. Continue the mission without ...
Use a “buddy box” system with two controllers. Use a radio system to instruct the non-rated pilot. The Remote PIC cannot supervise a non-rated pilot.
No, Part 107 requires a Remote Pilot certificate. Yes, as a Student Pilot they can. Yes, under the direct supervision of a remote Pilot in Command.
up to 2 years after the date of final conviction. up to 1 year after the date of final conviction. up to 6 months after the date of final conviction.
12 hours. 8 hours. 24 hours.
.04 percent by weight or more alcohol in the blood. .004 percent by weight or more alcohol in the blood. .008 percent by weight or more alcohol in the blood.
If prior permission is received from the Federal Aviation Administration. If precautions are taken to avoid injury or damage to persons or property on the surface. Only in an emergency.
Not compliant with Part 107. Part 107 does not apply to this scenario. Compliant with Part 107.
Over suburban areas. Over a parade or other social events. Over a sparsely populated area.