Contact the controlling agency and request approval. Submit a LAANC request if available. Submit all requests via the FAA DroneZone website.
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look to the side of the object and scan rapidly. look to the side of the object and scan slowly. scan the visual field very rapidly.
Avoid red lights at least 30 minutes before the flight. Wear sunglasses after sunset until ready for flight. Avoid bright white lights at least 30 minutes before the flight.
At least one, and preferably located on top of the aircraft. Three lights: two navigation lights (green and red) and one anti-collision light on top. Two lights: one on the top and one on the bottom.
Stop moving forward, verify telemetry, then start climbing if possible. Declare an emergency on your portable radio on 121.5 MHz. Initial the return-to-home procedure immediately.
The other aircraft is flying away from you. The other aircraft is crossing to the left. The other aircraft is approaching head-on.
The other aircraft is crossing to the right. The other aircraft is approaching head-on. The other aircraft is crossing to the left.
Set the screen brightness to the maximum value to make sure your vision is adapted early on. Avoid staring at bright lights and use red/green flashlights for preflight inspection. Turn off all lights during takeoff, including the strobe lights.
a series of short, regularly spaced eye movements to search each 30-degree sector. peripheral vision by scanning small sectors and utilizing off-center viewing. regularly spaced concentration on the 3-, 9-, and 12-o’clock positions.
White flashing lights with steady green at the same location. Dual peaked (two quick) white flashes between green flashes. Alternate white and green light flashes.