I’ve wasted over an hour trying to find the official FAA 107 handbooks to study along side your Udemy FAA 107 courses. Where are the links to all these things. This site is useless without links to the ...
remain constant. decrease. increase.
location of precipitation along with type, intensity, and cell movement of precipitation. large areas of low ceilings and fog. location of precipitation along with type, intensity, and trend.
lowest reported obscuration and the highest layer of clouds reported as overcast. lowest layer of clouds reported as scattered, broken, or thin. lowest broken or overcast layer or vertical visibility into an obscuration.
scattered cumulus. Cumulonimbus. nimbostratus.
180° at 10 knots, becoming 200° at 17 knots. 180° at 10 knots. 160° ...
3 statute miles. 6 statute miles. 1/2 statute mile.
1200Z to 1800Z. 1200Z to 2400Z. 1800Z to 2400Z.
overcast at 2,000 feet during the forecast period between 2200Z and 2400Z. overcast at 200 ...
Not forecasted. Greater than 6 statute miles. Possibly 6 statute miles.