Yes, this sUAS operation is subject to Part 107. Yes, Part 107 allows flight directly over people to capture video. No, this sUAS operation is not subject to Part 107.
No, this sUAS operation is not subject to Part 107. No, this sUAS operation requires a Section 333 exemption. Yes, this sUAS operation is subject to Part 107.
Remote Pilot Certificate, Registration Card, and a copy of the Completion Certificate for the Recurrent Training. Remote Pilot Certificate and your logbook. Remote Pilot Certificate and Registration Card.
remain constant. decrease. increase.
remain the same. increase. decrease.
Steady climb. Level turn. Unpowered stall.
have a tendency to spin. be more difficult to control. stall at a higher airspeed.
It increases performance. It has no effect over performance. It decreases performance.
the rudder. the ailerons. the stabilizer.
the stabilizer. the ailerons. the rudder.