the rudder. the ailerons. the stabilizer.
Attack. Dihedral. Incidence.
increase if the CG is moved forward. remain the same regardless of gross weight. change with an increase in gross weight.
airplane’s center line and the relative wind. chord line of the wing and the relative wind. airplane’s longitudinal axis and that of the air striking the airfoil.
34 pounds. 38 pounds. 47 pounds.
can be easily removed without the use of tools. is visible to the visual observer or other crew members. does not adversely affect the center of gravity.
Faster speed. Shorter endurance. Increased maneuverability.
exceeds its critical angle of attack. exceeds the maximum speed. exceeds maximum allowable operating weight.
the CG is shifted rearward to the aft CG limit. the gross weight is reduced. the airplane is subjected to maneuvers other than straight and level flight.
Remote Pilot in Command Manufacturer. Owner or operator