flashing yellow light. green, yellow, and white rotating beacon. blue lighted square landing area.
an area where airport badges are required to access. an area where LAANC requests are required. an area at the airport where Remote ID is required.
request approval from the airport manager to fly in the airspace. be sure to not interfere with airport operations. submit a LAANC request.
that weather at the airport located in Class D airspace is below basic VFR weather minimums. the Air Traffic Control tower is not in operation. there are obstructions on the airport.
Northwest approximately 4 miles. East approximately 7 miles. Northwest approximately 1 mile.
to the right on Runway 14 and Runway 32; to the left on ...
126.35 MHz. 127.25 MHz. 122.95 ...
when the weather minimums are below basic VFR. when the associated control tower is in operation. when the associated Flight Service Station is in operation.
Shaded Magenta Shaded Blue Dashed Magenta
Within the Mode C Veil, remote pilots are exempted from needing airspace authorization under 14 CFR part 107.41 The Mode C Veil is an exemption from remote ID requirements. Traditional aircraft within the Mode C Veil are required to be ...