Continue the mission, airplanes are not allowed to fly lower than 500 feet AGL unless around an airport. Give way and stay clear from the crop duster. Continue the mission, ...
No, the carriage of hazardous material is prohibited under Part 107. Yes, your BVLOS waiver allows you to fly further than 10 miles. No, 10 miles is too far even with ...
No more than three as long as the Remote PIC maintains visual line of sight. As many as he/she can handle. No more than one.
600 feet AGL. 500 feet AGL. 400 feet AGL.
filed a IFR flight plan. received prior authorization from the controlling agency. received prior permission from the commanding officer of the nearest military base.
The remote pilot must contact the Air Traffic Control (ATC) facility after launching the unmanned aircraft. The remote pilot must monitor the Air Traffic Control (ATC) frequency from launch to recovery. The remote pilot must have prior authorization from the ...
With the controlling agency’s authorization. Regulations do not allow this. When flying on airways with an ATC clearance.