you may fly your drone in the TFR since your company is sponsoring a team at the race. flying your drone is allowed if you notify all non-participating people of the closed course UA operation. the TFR applies to all ...
FAA Regulation
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Only when visual observers participate in the operation. Alone, if operating during daylight hours. Under the direct supervision of a Remote PIC.
No, the required visibility is 5 statute miles. Yes, as long as you remain 500 feet below clouds and 2000 feet horizontally away from them. Yes, as long as I remain ...
Yes, it will cost $5 per aircraft. They don’t need to, your aircraft are already registered and your pilots are certificated. No, they will have to obtain operating authority from the Department of Transportation.
Ensure the aircraft is equipped with a parachute. Ensure that the area is restricted-access and that everyone inside moving vehicles inside the area are on notice. Ensure that everyone inside ...
If prior permission is received from the Federal Aviation Administration. If precautions are taken to avoid injury or damage to persons or property on the surface. Only in an emergency.
14 days. 2 calendar months. 30 days.
An injury requiring an overnight hospital stay. Minor bruises. Scrapes and cuts bandaged on site.
Person manipulating the controls. Visual observer. Remote Pilot in Command (Remote PIC).
Flying in a prohibited area. Flying without Remote ID. Flying in class B airspace without ADSB-Out.