Remote Pilot in Command (Remote PIC). Person manipulating the controls. Visual observer.
FAA Regulation
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Turn down the intensity of the light. Look down at your controller screen to fly the drone and find the obstacle. Turn off the strobe light.
Remote Pilot Certificate, Registration Card, and a copy of the Completion Certificate for the Recurrent Training. Remote Pilot Certificate and your logbook. Remote Pilot Certificate and Registration Card.
No, Part 107 requires a Remote Pilot certificate. Yes, as a Student Pilot they can. Yes, under the direct supervision of a remote Pilot in Command.
notify the FAA within 10 days. cancel the registration on the FAA Drone Zone. send the remaining parts to the FAA for investigation.
Not to exceed 30 days. Within 10 days. Any time.
The remote pilot must contact the Air Traffic Control (ATC) facility after launching the unmanned aircraft. The remote pilot must monitor the Air Traffic Control (ATC) frequency from launch to recovery. The remote pilot must have prior authorization from the ...
The FAA does not allow the use of ADSB-out for sUAS. Anytime you are flying in controlled airspace. Only when flying in a Temporary Flight Restriction.
Yes, as long as it meets Remote ID requirements. No, it is not permitted. Yes, it is permitted without limitations.
Objects carried on the sUAS are secure. The site supervisor has approved the flight. ATC has granted clearance.