Person manipulating the controls. Visual observer. Remote Pilot in Command (Remote PIC).
FAA Regulation
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you may fly your drone in the TFR since your company is sponsoring a team at the race. flying your drone is allowed if you notify all non-participating people of the closed course UA operation. the TFR applies to all ...
is required to receive ATC authorization. must use a visual observer. is required to file a flight plan.
August 31, 2021. August 12, 2021. August 31, 2020.
is operated by a Part 61 certified pilot. documents maintenance, preventive maintenance, alterations, and inspections. is only operated over small groups of people.
0.55 pounds or less. 0.75 pounds or less. 0.65 pounds or less.
14 days. 2 calendar months. 30 days.
visual observer. remote pilot-in-command. owner of the small UAS.
The remote pilot must contact the Air Traffic Control (ATC) facility after launching the unmanned aircraft. The remote pilot must monitor the Air Traffic Control (ATC) frequency from launch to recovery. The remote pilot must have prior authorization from the ...
Over suburban areas. Over a parade or other social events. Over a sparsely populated area.