No, the carriage of hazardous material is prohibited under Part 107. Yes, your BVLOS waiver allows you to fly further than 10 miles. No, 10 miles is too far even with ...
FAA Regulation
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No Medical Certificates are required. A Class 3 Medical Certificate A Class 2 Medical Certificate.
Person manipulating the controls. Visual observer. Remote Pilot in Command (Remote PIC).
.04 percent by weight or more alcohol in the blood. .004 percent by weight or more alcohol in the blood. .008 percent by weight or more alcohol in the blood.
Yes, as long as it meets Remote ID requirements. No, it is not permitted. Yes, it is permitted without limitations.
the Remote PIC. the controlling agency. Air Traffic Control.
Every 8 months. Every 12 months. Every 24 months.
Compliant with Part 107 when used with a first-person view (FPV) camera system. Not compliant with Part 107. Compliant with Part 107.
600 feet AGL. 500 feet AGL. 400 feet AGL.
100 mph 100 kts 87 mph