Civil and public aircraft operations. Public and military operations. Civil operations.
FAA Regulation
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Visual observer. Person manipulating the controls. Remote PIC.
make sure the UAS is within 400 feet of the control station. maintain line of sight throughout the entire process. have a visual observer.
Yes, the deck is considered a closed site. Yes, as long as I have a Category 1 or 2 sUAS equipped with Remote ID. No, the people on the deck are ...
Not to exceed 30 days. Within 10 days. Any time.
Yes, all sUAS aircraft weighing over .55 lbs. are subject to Part 107 No, this sUAS operation is not subject to Part 107. Yes, this sUAS operation is subject to Part ...
Without the possibility of direct human intervention from within or on the aircraft. For hobby and recreational use when not certificated. During search and rescue operations other than public.
An injury requiring an overnight hospital stay. Minor bruises. Scrapes and cuts bandaged on site.
55 lbs. or less. 55 kg or less. Less than 55 lbs.
ensure that the human beings who are not participating in the operation are under a covered structure or inside a non-moving vehicle. ensure the sUAS is equipped with a parachute make sure the area is closed or restricted-access.