Contact the controlling agency and request approval. Submit a LAANC request if available. Submit all requests via the FAA DroneZone website.
Night Operations
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The other aircraft is flying away from you. The other aircraft is crossing to the left. The other aircraft is approaching head-on.
by using proper night scanning techniques and using peripheral vision. by staying in the dark for 30 minutes. by staring at the sUAS for extended periods of time.
The sUAS must be equipped with anti-collision lighting visible from at least 3 statute miles. The sUAS must be equipped with anti-collision lighting visible for at least 5 statute miles. The sUAS must be equipped with navigation lights
Concentrate directly on each object for a few seconds. Look only at far away, dim lights. Scan slowly to permit off-center viewing.
Yes, as long as the rPIC received the proper training and the aircraft is properly equipped with anti-collision lighting that meet the requirements in 107.29. No, a sUAS can only be flown during the day and during twilight. Yes, as ...