peripheral vision by scanning small sectors and utilizing off-center viewing. a series of short, regularly spaced eye movements to search each 10-degree sector. regularly spaced concentration on the 3-, 9-, and 12-o’clock positions.
Pilot Physiological Factors
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not exceed 10 degrees and view each sector at least 1 second. use peripheral vision by scanning small sectors and utilizing off-center viewing. be 30 degrees and view each sector for at least 3 seconds.
clear days. hazy days. cloudy nights.
slowing the breathing rate, breathing into a bag, or talking aloud. increasing the breathing rate in order to increase lung ventilation. closely monitoring the flight instruments to control the airplane.
Judgment and decision-making abilities can be adversely affected by even small amounts of alcohol. A small amount of alcohol increases vision acuity. Consuming an equal amount of water will increase the destruction of alcohol and alleviate a hangover.
Aerosinusitis. Aerotitis. Hyperventilation.
easily by an experienced pilot. by an ability to overcome sleep deprivation. as being in an impaired state.
Aerosinusitis. Hyperventilation. Aerotitis.
An extremely slow rate of breathing and insufficient oxygen. Emotional tension, anxiety, or fear. The excessive consumption of alcohol.
slowing the breathing rate, breathing into a paper bag, or talking aloud. increasing the breathing rate in order to increase lung ventilation. breathing spontaneously and deeply or gaining mental control of the situation.