The aircraft’s Document of Compliance The manufacturer’s Means of Compliance. The Certificate of Aircraft Registration.
FAA Regulation
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must not cause injury to a human being equivalent to 11 ft-lb of kinetic energy. must have an approved type certificate issued under Part 21. must not cause injury to a ...
Yes, as long as the bride and groom provided their written consent. No, sustained flights over human beings are not allowed. Yes, as long as the aircraft is listed with an ...
If the owner is less than 13 years of age. If the owner does not have a valid United States driver’s license. All persons must register their small UA.
Yes, as long as the aircraft is equipped with an anti-collision light visible from 3SM. Yes, as long as the sUAS is equipped with Remote ID. No, only transiting flights are ...
Only when visual observers participate in the operation. Alone, if operating during daylight hours. Under the direct supervision of a Remote PIC.
The FAA does not allow the use of ADSB-out for sUAS. Anytime you are flying in controlled airspace. Only when flying in a Temporary Flight Restriction.
Person manipulating the controls. Remote Pilot in Command (Remote PIC). Visual observer.
The Administrator, authorized representatives from the NTSB or TSA, or any Federal, State, or Local Law enforcement officers. The General Public and any Government Employees. Any Government employee.
No higher than 200 feet. No higher than 400 feet. No higher than 300 feet.