ensure that the human beings who are not participating in the operation are under a covered structure or inside a non-moving vehicle. ensure the sUAS is equipped with a parachute make sure the area is closed or restricted-access.
FAA Regulation
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12 hours. 8 hours. 24 hours.
August 31, 2021. August 12, 2021. August 31, 2020.
Visual observer. Person manipulating the controls. Remote PIC.
visual observer. remote pilot-in-command. owner of the small UAS.
The owner of the aircraft. The manufacturer of the aircraft. The operator of the aircraft.
It must not contain exposed rotating parts that can lacerate. It must not contain exposed rotating parts that can lacerate and must not cause injury equivalent to 11 ft-lb of kinetic energy.
Person manipulating the controls. Visual observer. Remote Pilot in Command (Remote PIC).
Compliant with Part 107 when used with a first-person view (FPV) camera system. Not compliant with Part 107. Compliant with Part 107.
Compliant with Part 107. Part 107 does not apply to this scenario. Not compliant with Part 107.