Contractor requirements. Manufacturer’s suggested procedures. Stipulations in 14 CFR Part 43.
Maintenance & Inspection Fundamentals
Home/Maintenance & Inspection FundamentalsUAV Campus | Remote Pilot FAA Exam Prep for Drones Latest Questions
visual observer. remote Pilot in Command. owner of the sUAS.
Local pilot best practices. Manufacturer guidance. 14 CFR Part 107.
Annually. Monthly. Before each flight.
The Pilot in Command. The certificated mechanic who performed the annual inspection. The owner or operator.
Let it burn until the flames stop. Use a Halon extinguisher and cover with ice. Use a water extinguisher.
Air Traffic Control. the NTSB. the manufacturer’s checklist.
Evaluate damage and make repairs. Test fly your sUAS before your next commercial mission. Call Law Enforcement
increased endurance. an inflight fire. a change in aircraft center of gravity.
Press it into the drone and wait 30 minutes. Follow the recommended repair procedure. Give it 30 minutes to cool.