The airspace reverts to Class E or a combination of Class E and G airspace during the hours the tower is not in operation. The airspace designation normally will not change.
Understanding Airspace
Home/Understanding Airspace/Page 3Dashed Blue Solid Magenta Dashed Magenta
4000 feet AGL. 1200 feet AGL. 1200 feet MSL.
Dashed Blue Dashed Magenta Solid Blue
is required to file a flight plan. must use a visual observer. is required to receive ATC authorization.
Class B, C, and D. Class E at 700 and Class E at 1200. Class E 700, Class E 1200, and Class E 14500.
Shaded Magenta. Shaded Blue. Dashed Magenta.
1200 feet AGL. 4000 feet AGL. 1200 feet MSL.