an area where airport badges are required to access. an area where LAANC requests are required. an area at the airport where Remote ID is required.
Airport Operations
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flashing yellow light. green, yellow, and white rotating beacon. blue lighted square landing area.
080° and 260° magnetic. 008° and 026° true. 080° and 260° true.
to the right on Runway 14 and Runway 32; to the left on ...
closed runway. multiple heliport. stabilized area.
Northwest approximately 4 miles. East approximately 7 miles. Northwest approximately 1 mile.
to enter 45° at the midpoint of the downwind leg at traffic pattern altitude. to cross directly over the airport at traffic pattern altitude and join the downwind leg. 45° to ...
that weather at the airport located in Class D airspace is below basic VFR weather minimums. the Air Traffic Control tower is not in operation. there are obstructions on the airport.
Depart in any direction consistent with safety, after crossing the airport boundary. Comply with any FAA traffic pattern established for the airport. Make all turns to the left.
two quick, white flashes between green flashes. white and green alternating flashes. green, yellow, and white flashes.